The Rotten State of Fiji Roads

The state of Fiji roads is simply appalling! Much can be said about them but over the coming days and weeks, I will set about collecting pictures on this blog to show you what I am talking about.

Monday, January 30, 2006

LTA and roads authorities sleeping on the job!

I guess they're too busy trying to figure out how much profits they've made over the past year. Perhaps they've been helping police setup radar traps to catch people speeding in places that are safe to speed in anyway.

Since LTA is a profit making body, it's only right that they spare their efforts in the right direction. Communities needs are not their concern.

Sigatoka roads too dangerous - Fiji Times Online: "Sigatoka roads too dangerous
(Sunday, January 29, 2006)

A SIGATOKA bus company has suspended services on two routes, citing pathetic road conditions.

Valley Buses Limited chief clerk Uday Narayan said they had suspended services indefinitely on the Nasau to Nacocolevu route as well as on Nabaka Road.

Mr Narayan said there was no gravel, just mud on the road, which made it very slippery and dangerous to travel on.

'We don't want to take a risk with the lives of passengers,' he said.

'These two roads have many hills and it's too dangerous for the buses to travel up because if it slips, there is no support on either side and it can fall off cliffs.

'Even if we send buses it won't go up these hills because they are too steep and very slippery. There's no gravel for the tyres to grip.' Mr Narayan said roads on some of the routes they serviced were overgrown with bush, turning them into single-lane roads.

He said that was dangerous as drivers could not see oncoming traffic through the thick bush and overgrown tree branches.

He said they had written to the West road engineer and sent a copy to Land Transport Authority in November last year. Mr Narayan said a month later when nothing had been done another letter was sent this time to the LTA Western office and copied to the LTA chief executive officer but still nothing had been done."



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